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YouTube Create App

YouTube Create App: Are you a video content creator who uploads to YouTube? Do you need an easy-to-use and simple app for editing videos? Then you’re at the right place. The YT Create App is designed for creators with limited resources who need free video editing software for better results.

With this app, you can take your videos to the next level and impress your audience. Download the YouTube Create video editing app now.

What is YouTube Create App?

The YouTube Create App, designed by Google LLC, is a tool that simplifies making and editing videos. It’s like having a mini video editing studio for your YouTube content. The app offers features such as cutting and trimming video clips, adding music or sound effects, and inserting text or captions.

For Example, if you’ve made a video of your dog playing, you can use the app to remove unwanted parts, add fun music, and include captions to describe the action. This enhances your video, making it engaging and ready for sharing on YouTube.

Note: Recently, this app was released exclusively for Android and is currently in the Beta phase.

YT Create App Features

YT Create App comes with exciting features. Here are the key features of this app that can take your video editing to the next level.

Advanced Editing Tools

Easily edit videos with professional tools like cutting, trimming, and joining. Make top-quality videos quickly.

Visual & Audio Boost

Enhance your video’s appearance and sound quality with user-friendly tools. Achieve high-quality visuals and audio effortlessly.

Free to Use

This app is totally free, offering advanced editing features at no cost. Enjoy professional editing without spending money.

Direct YouTube Uploads

Quickly upload your edited videos to YouTube. Streamline your video publishing process for faster content delivery.

Automatic A.I Caption

Automatically adds captions and subtitles, making videos more accessible in various languages and enhancing viewer experience.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed for easy use, perfect for beginners. Navigate and edit videos without any hassle.

No Watermarks

Create videos without any unwanted logos. Showcase your brand exclusively, maintaining a clean and personal touch.

Easy Video Tools

Merge videos, photos, and music effortlessly. Trim clips and adjust speeds to create dynamic content.

Music & Sound

Access free, non-copyrighted music tracks and sound effects. Easily sync your video to the music’s beat for enhanced rhythm and flow.

YT Create App Pros & Cons

  • Free to use
  • User-friendly
  • No watermark
  • Inbuilt copyright-free music
  • Lots of premium video effects free
  • Perfect for YouTube creators
  • Only for Android
  • Difficult for landscape editing

YouTube Create App Download

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NameYouTube Create App
Current VersionV0.76.1-release
DeveloperGoogle LLC
RequirementAndroid 8.0 and up
Updated1 Day Ago

Download for Android

YT Create was released for Android in September 2023.

Download for iOS

A developer is still developing YT Create for iOS.

How to Download YouTube Create App

If you want to download this app, please follow the steps below. Here is a guide for both Android and iOS users, depending on the device you use.

For Android users:

If you use Android, the YT Create app beta has been released for beta users. Follow the steps below to download and get access to the YouTube Create early access app:

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android phone or use the link provided below.
  2. Search for “YT Create App” and click “Install“.
  3. Wait for the app to download. This might take a little time.
  4. Once downloaded, click “Open” or find the app on your home screen.
  5. Open the YT Create App and sign in with your Google account to start using it.
Download YouTube Create App on Android

For iOS users:

If you’re an iPhone user looking to download this app, it’s still in development and not yet available for iOS. Once it’s released, you’ll be able to download it easily by following the steps:

  1. Open the App Store on your iPhone.
  2. Search for “YT Create App” or click the link below.
  3. Tap “Get” to download. You might need to enter your Apple ID password or use Face ID.
  4. Wait for the app to download.
  5. After downloading, tap “Open” or find the app on your home screen.
  6. Open the app, sign in with your Google account, and begin editing.

Note: The iOS version is still being developed and will be available soon.

How to Use YouTube Create App to Make Video

  1. Open the YouTube Create app on your device.
  2. Sign in with your Google Account.
  3. Tap the plus (+) icon to start a new video project.
  4. Allow the app to access images and videos from your gallery.
  5. Choose the videos or photos you want to edit and tap “Import” to add them to your project.
  6. Use the editing tools at the bottom to trim, split, change resolution, remove green screens, rotate, delete, and duplicate clips.
  7. Add text, stickers, GIFs, and sounds by tapping on the timeline.
  8. When done, tap the three dots in the top right and choose “Export“. Select your video quality and tap ‘Export’ again.
  9. You can then upload your video directly to YouTube or share it elsewhere. If it’s right for a YouTube Short, you’ll have the option to upload it as a Short.
Use YouTube Create App to Make Video

Edit Your Video Easily…

YouTube Create is a free app that lets you make and edit fun, short videos easily on your phone. It’s perfect for social media and designed for everyone, not just pros. It simplifies video editing, so anyone can create great videos and upload them to YouTube.

Download the app on your phone and start making videos. If you run into any issues, just reach out to YouTube’s support team for help.


No, the YouTube Create App isn’t available for iOS yet. At this time, it is only in the beta phase and under development.

No, YouTube Create is completely free to use.

No, the YT Create App isn’t available for PC or Windows.

YouTube Create is currently in beta and you need an invitation. If you’re in the YouTube Creators Early Access Program, you can get it from the Google Play Store.

It’s made by Google and has lots of premium features for free, so it’s really good to use.

Yes, you can directly upload your finished videos to your YouTube channel from the app.

DMCA: We at follow the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) rules. If your copyrighted content is on our website and you want it taken down, please get in touch with us.

Disclaimer: is a fan-made site and isn’t affiliated with YouTube or Google LLC. Our content is for educational purposes. Any copyright concerns should be directed to us for prompt action.